SoE 1: Island Girl

This is the starter in the series. It takes place in a country called Aderas in its capital city called Kerth — the City of Light and Abundance. Kerth is divided into several districts by people's professions and standing. You cannot leave the area you are born into. The exceptions are army officials, consecrators, and the rulers, and couriers needed for communication. As far as Aderas is concerned, there is nothing noteworthy beyond its borders. Just a few warring tribes of savages who belong to a race called arochs. It is the be-all and end-all for its citizens.

Island Girl is Istrae's story. It reveals many things about her existence and sets the premise for the entire story. It focuses on who she is, how she behaves, and what she values. While we follow her journey of self-discovery, we meet other important characters.

One of the most important characters for the whole saga is Captain Rime Fall. He is a rather quick-witted man with a lot of restraint as if he is holding back a part of him at all times. He is brutal when needed and has a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong in any given situation when he's the one in charge. Rime always plays the long game. He's quite unlike Istrae as she questions most of her choices and her justifications for her actions. Though, her conscience may not always be enough to stop her when she wants something. Most notably, when she wants him and there's a certain blond in the way.

Another character who is very central to the entire series is Riestel Aravas. He is a high-ranked consecrator in the Temple and seems to embody the Temple's general negativity towards Istrae when they meet. There are moments he acts like a decent person, but they are somewhat far and few between. With a long past and a secret, it's hard to not sympathize with him just a little. He and Istrae bicker and seem to hate each other, but something connects the two.

Istrae's closest friend in the Temple, Simew, brings light anywhere he goes, and he balances Istrae's life in the Temple. They form a tight friendship that benefits and supports both. It's the least complicated relationship she seems to have. Another important friend to her during her training is Heelis. A spunky brunette with a strong bond of loyalty to the Temple despite her doubts and personal troubles.

As the story develops from small beginnings towards grander schemes, the Governors Laukas, Kasaer and Irinda influence the city and its folk both with intimidation, bribery, and opportunities which pull people to different sides as the tension in the city rises.

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