A little bit about me

 I don't really like writing about myself. It feels awkward but it was pointed out to me that some people might still like to know a little bit more than the few sentences slapped on the back cover of the books, so I thought I would try and make the effort. I don't have any interest of writing about my education or profession or such, so I'm going to simply offer you a glimpse of what made me the person I am at this point in my life. Be warned though, I have a tendency to overshare.

As it says in the bio in the books, I was born in Helsinki, Finland. I was born to a rather well off family and had two brothers who were both already entering their teenage years. In that way, I often felt like an only child and personality wise resemble them more than a youngest sibling. I also spent a lot of time alone in a huge house, imagination running rampant. I loved the dark, I would hide in our central vacuum room that had no windows and was pitch black when one closed the door. My grandfather often remarked how odd it was for a child to enjoy being in the dark. I also had a habit of climbing on the roof of our 2-story house through a small triangular window in my room at which point the neighbours would shout at me to get down or call my parents at work. I loved climbing trees too. Especially thick firtrees because I could just sit there without people noticing me. Apart from climbing, I spent a lot of time in the woods, trying to find the entrance to Narnia.

All in all, I had a mostly happy childhood. My parents red to me every evening as I had a hard time falling asleep. One doctor had them try sleep medications on me as a baby as I just wouldn't sleep, I'd just be in the crib, looking at cealing. The meds didn't work, and as my parents tell it, I would simply go limp but not sleep from them. From early on, I had a fondness for endlesly arranging and counting coins. I still love arraging things, which is funny, because the house is always a little messy. When school started, I was enthusiastic about learning new things. I still love learning new things. I can spend hours on end watching documentaries about whatever it is that I'm currently interested in. But the enthusiasm soon turned sour, I found school rather boring and after the first two grades. The books I liked, but everything else, not that much. There was too much going on, the noise, the constant chatter. It stressed me out a lot, so from the 3rd grade to the end of 6th grade, pretty much saw nothing but nightmares when I slept. On some rare nights, I had dreams where I was flying which were amazingly realistic.

Once I got to the 7th grade, things got a little easier, and I felt less like an outsider among my peers. But not by much. I still sometimes feel like I'm looking at others from behind a glass wall trying to figure out what makes people people and attemping to copy that. A part of writing is probably me trying to figure out the human condition.

From my late teens on, I painted, wrote, and spent as many evenings as I could out going to band gigs and dancing. I got quite a bit of attention from the opposite sex but never seemed to find anyone that clicked. Perhaps that is the reason why romances are one of the main elements of my stories. I get to live vicariously through the characters and their passions. I eventually met my husband through an online dating thing and we wrote letters for months before actually seing each other. Talking with him felt like coming home. There was something so familiar in his jokes and the way he phrased things that I felt a sense of family I had never had before. Before meeting him I got out of a really bad relationship. One where I was constantly told I did things wrong; I drew incrorrectly, I sang incorrectly, I walked wrong, I chewed my food wrong and ate too much. It took years to get back to myself after that. It took me almost 20 years to pick up a paint brush. I'm still much shyer and more insecure in myself than before that relationship, but if anything, I ended up being lucky in the long run to find someone wholeheartedly supportive and loving after it.

I also love piggies in hammocks.


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