Character list - in progress

I thought I'd make an almost full character list for those who might wish to refresh their memory of whose who. Some of the surnames may be completely new to you as they aren't mentioned in the books but as I have them, I thought I'd make them known.

The list is still in progress because, oh my god, I never realized I wrote this many different characters into the story :D If I ever find the time, I might make some small portraits of the characters.

Main characters:

Istrae Elona - The center of it all, opportunistic, acts cold but can genuinely care for people. Values true friendship but is hesitant to admit wanting close relationships. Despite her sometimes horrible actions, she does tend to give people a chance. Makes decisions on instinct and can cause havoc because of it. Consecratoress of Nef'Adhel (a fire deity). Could save one at the expense of many.

Rime Fall - Ambitious, calculating, usually chooses the good of the many over the good of the few. Willing to make sacrifices and take losses for an ultimate victory. Loyal to the city and its people but not to the rulers.

Riestel Aravas - A jackass of many trades. Consecrator of Saraste (water/ice deity). A friend and foe. Cold on the outside but can be sweet and caring. Would sacrifice anything for what he believes in. No matter how bitter the end. Usually good on his promises.

The Statue - the remains of the witch queen that have been hidden in statues. Will occasionally interject in the story and try to influence Istrae's decisions. First appearance: 1st book.

Notable side characters:

Arid - An aroch leader sent to talk to Istrae and, if possible, bring her to their midst to hear their side and learn new things or herself and the world. One of the first creations to walk upon their earth.

Arvida Machianor - Consecratoress of Koi. A woman whose presence can make anyone uncomfortable. Can spin other people's mood like a spider. Shares a quiet bond and an understanding with Istrae. One might even say a friendship exists between them.

Enna Fall - Rime's mother, an alcoholic, smart, former courtesan of sorts.

Farash Kasaer - Governor of the Temple. Irinda's supporter. Friendly demeanor in order to achieve what he wants.

Frazil Laukas - Governor of Merchant's District and the king-to-be of the whole nation according to his plans. A schemer, works in the shadows.

Heelis Navarran - A feisty, friendly brunette with a big itchy scar on her neck. Consecratoress of Eru. Will never give up or yield.

Ika - Rime's fluffy companion dog.

Indore Grynor - Governor of the Soldier's District. Irinda's loyal ally and an absolute lecher.

Irinda Mael - Peak's Governess, basically the unofficial Queen of Aderas. Temperamental, brutal, efficient but not experienced. A knight of Saraste.

Launea Linerus - Istrae's rival for Rime's affections. A mirror for Istrae's worst qualities. Has horrible luck in love. Consecratoress of Saraste. Skilled healer.

Moras Amiedier - Temple healer thrown into the army for disobedience. Mixes traditional healing and magic. A scientist of the realms.

Samedi Rossena - Rime's second in command. His most trusted friend. A noble with a disdain for some of the noble's traditions. Tall, slender, and usually impeccably dressed.

Simew - Istrae's best friend in the Temple. A joyful young man with a charming countenance and away with the ladies. Consecrator of Maidan.

Tammaran Jannek - Rime's guard member with an ability to skip between worlds. Becomes good friends with Isa. Can go undetected almost anywhere. Remarkably plain-looking.

Veitso Poer - The brawn in the Black Guard. Also, a good battle strategist. Comes off as more of a fool than he actually is. Loves gambling.

Yanit Rosse - Governess of the Noble's. Mean and self-serving. Hold traditions in high value and despises other areas.

Elona Aravas - Riestel's daughter.

Liike Garei - Consecrator of Saraste. First cold and indifferent towards Isa but warms up to her eventually.

Uudean - Instructor of dance in the Temple. Hates Istrae and fears change.

Usko Maherol - The head of an important noble family at odds with the ruling Rosse family.

Other relevant characters with smaller roles:

Friti Laukas - Frazil's wife. A good actress and a spy of sorts.

Ghila Laukas - Frazil's daughter. 

Cliff'd - Arid's consort.

Marinone "Rine" Kroun - Soldier/spy in Frazil's troops.

Kymenes - A moonfaced, tolerant man who struggles with the Temple's attitude towards Istrae and tries to treat her fairly. 

Minor characters that appear only in a few scenes:

Brone - Governess of the Slums.

Erim - Consecrator of Koi, instructor in the Temple. Does not like Istrae's arrival in the Temple.

Gramo - Local leader in the Worker's District.

Jaen - Veitso's brother.

Jona - Governor of the Craftmen's District.

Kirju - Consecrator of Katvee. A serious, washed-out instructor in the Temple.

Laki - Governor of the Harbour. On Frazil's side.

Lander Edel - Governor of Eladion.

Lyri - Rime's scribe.

Merrie Nostala - A young, very talented Maida's consecrator.

Oine - Consecrator of Ado. Friendly and caring. Istrae's mentor for a brief moment.

Orelia Aravas - Frazil's younger daughter.

Laine - Consecratoress of Huome. Instructor in the Temple.

Ide - Consecrator of Gren. Temple instructor in the council.

Zikri - Soldier in Rime's guard. A frightfully serious-looking man.

Kunnar - Consecrator of Maidan. Old, grumpy and feels nothing but contempt for Istrae.

Marelin - Soldier in Rime's guard.

Oronor - Soldier in Rime's guard.

Peranig - Yanit's personal healer.

Vuil - Governor of the Worker's District.

Vuole - Governor of Loisto

Hazna, Tifer, Utonie - consecrators fighting with the army, appear briefly in the 4th book, chapter XXXV


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