The next story

 Quite a few months have gone by since the last post. I've been mostly ignoring writing and letting things to percolate in my head. Now, I'm getting quite a strong pull from certain ideas and directions for a new book. I don't yet know if it will be a series or not. Quite likely not as it more of an exploration of what happens long after the Strands of Existance story has finished. What I know for sure so far is that it will be told from the first person of several people, so we won't be stuck in just one persons head all the time. There are at least 3 different people who will have their thoughts and experiences shared. Two of them will be sisters who life has treated quite differently.

I don't yet know when I will start writing properly, but if you liked SoE, you can get a review copy of this one once we are far enough if you send me your email address through the contact form.


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