Wondering if there might be more stories to tell

 Ever since I published the last book in the series, I've been just focusing on anything and everything else but writing in an effort to see if there might be more to explore in the SoE universe without forcing it. I don't want to write just because I want to be able to say I'm writing a book. I want to write if I actually have something to share and tell. The only thing I know I will never write is a prequel. I really really dislike prequels. I mean, what is the point of them? We already know where the world will end up. That, of course only leaves me with one particular direction. The future. What happens in the world after what we have already established.

I have the very beginnings of a story brewing in my head. Obviously, the characters will be completely new. The time frame will be hundreds of years after the four books to explore what the world has become and how life has evolved. Whether or not I'll ever get to writing it, is still up in the air.  Any positive feedback and comments will, of course, make it more likely, but mainly its simply something I will do or won't do for myself.


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