SoE4 out as a paperback, final thoughts on the whole project

 Phew, well, now the series is complete, and I feel very weird about it. On the one hand, I'm happy I managed it, on the other hand, I have no idea what comes next, if anything, and I'm feeling a little empty. I'm glad to see people visit my blog, and I'm glad to see people buying the books. Putting this story out there in the ether without a publisher was daunting, not to mention time consuming, and the editors didn't come cheap either. Still, it has been lovely seeing that there are people out there who have liked the story, and hopefully, it will keep reaching new readers still.

My main goal with this project was just to see if I could write something that people actually liked but do it my way without considering what is popular and what would sell and be easy to market. I wanted to write the story as I wanted to tell it and in the setting I wanted to tell it in, whether it would ever sell one copy or not. There are so many writers, published or self-published, battling for attention, I cannot even begin to imagine the volume of new stories published each day. The fact you chose to read the story of someone completely unknown is an act of kindness and shows the kind of curiosity in the world I love in people. So, all in all, a thank you to all who read the book/books and to those who might read them after me posting this.


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