Starting on book 3

I've officially finished SoE2: Sea of Shadows which will be released in a few months. Just a few last tweaks on the cover. It's a bit of a different beast from SoE1: Island Girl as it takes a darker turn with the civil war in the city and focuses less on Istrae's connection with the past and the statues. We get to see more of Rime's world in book 2 and learn more about Riestel and his motivations.

Now, I'm beginning the process of sketching out the 3rd book and drawing potential cover pictures. At this point, the title is "King of Naught" and it will probably be the final title for the book. The story will revolve around the internal conflicts of the winning side and trying to solve the deepening problems in the world or finding at least ways to stall the deadly progress. We will also get to explore more of the different levels of the world.

I can't wait to get the 3rd installment done because then I can get to work on the final book in this 4 book series. I already know the last sentence of the whole series but how we will get there is still very much a mystery even to me.


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